Temporary Atlas / Atlas Dros Dro

Group exhibition at Mostyn
June - September 2022

Temporary Atlas: Mapping the Self in the Art of Today at Mostyn, Llandudno presented a selection of works that explore an alternative, complementary idea to cartography, the traditional science or practice of drawing maps.

With works by artists Sanford Biggers, Seymour Chwast, Jeremy Deller, Sarah Entwistle, Enam Gbewonyo, Rochelle Goldberg, Oliver Laric, James Lewis, Ibrahim Mahama, Paul Maheke, Matt Mullican, Otobong Nkanga, Kiki Smith, Walid Raad and specially commissioned work from three Welsh artists Manon Awst, Adéolá Dewis and Paul Eastwood.

Link to review in The Guardian

Talk with Mostyn Director and Temporary Atlas curator Alfredo Cramerotti

List of artworks:

The core of things, 2022
Anglesey limestone and inflatable beach ball
55 x 110 x 75 cm

Hold on, 2022
Mirror, 3D printed recycled marine nylon and PETG, fixings
200 x 100 x 2 cm