Solo exhibition at
Plas Glyn-y-Weddw
July - September 2021
is where domains of culture and landscape, the domestic and political materialise: stratified layers which, under great pressure, create the physical world we live in.
These works speak to a land not made in the mists of myth and legend – but one that exists firmly in the present, shaped by invisible natural forces and deep time. Sediment and clasts transform into outcrops, mountains, inlets: a deep quarry or a leisure park, a home, a second home or a rewilding project.
Throughout this exhibition you’ll discover a quiet invitation to touch, alongside an urgent warning not to engage. Objects made of renewable polymers, recycled marine waste; products of industries such as mining and 3D printing, are a tactile but forbidding reminder of the inevitable effect our touch and our desires have on the landscape around us.
‘Anghysbell’ explores the process of mark-making, from its earliest iterations as prehistoric rock art to the impact our gestures make on our environment today; revealing the stories we tell about the land, and the stories the land has to tell about us.
by Sara Huws
Anghysbell yw’r fan lle y dewch chi o hyd i ddiwylliant a thirwedd, y domestig a’r gwleidyddol; haenau sydd, o’u rhoi dan bwysau, yn creu’r byd materol sydd o’n cwmpas.
Nid lleoliad sy’n hanu o chwedlau niwlog a mytholeg, ond llecyn sy’n bodoli yn nghadernid y presennol, wedi’i lunio gan rymoedd naturiol aruthrol dros filoedd o flynyddoedd. Gwaddodion a chlastau, o’u cywasgu, sydd wedi troi’n greigiau, yn fynyddoedd, yn gilfachau: chwarel ddofn neu barc hamdden, cartref, ail-gartref neu brosiect ‘ail-wylltio’.
Trwy’r arddangosfa fe glywch chi wahoddiad tawel i gyffwrdd, a rhybudd taer i gadw draw. Fe ddowch o hyd i greiriau wedi’u creu o bolymerau adnewyddadwy a gwastraff morwrol; deunyddiau diwydiant mwyngloddio a phrintio 3D - gwrthrychau sy’n adrodd hanes y marciau mae pobl yn eu gadael ar y tirwedd.
Anghysbell yn archwilio olion, o’r nodau cynharaf ar greigiau cynhanesyddol, i’n dylanwad cyfoes ar ein hamgylchedd. Mae’n olrhain y straeon a ddwedwn am y tir, a’r straeon sydd gan y tir i’w hadrodd amdanom ni.
gan Sara Huws