Future Wales Fellowship 2023-25
︎ Follow the development of my Peaty Patterns project
Read Arts Council of Wales’ Plan for Climate Justice and the Arts and see my creative response ‘Estuary of Justice’
Gallery TEN ‘Winter’ show
7.12.24 - 31.1.2025
with my commissioned banner ‘Still intertidal’
and other works
Up Projects Constellations ° Assemblies 2024
Talk: Pushing for culture-based climate action
Earth Rising
IMMA, Dublin
Read the feature in Artforum
about my exhibition WETLAND DREAMS
by Dylan Huw, September 2023
Henry Moore Foundation Artist Award
Nominated Recipient of the Henry Moore Foundation Artist Award 2022
Sticky Sculptures
In collaboration with Natural Resources Wales
supported by Arts Council of Wales
︎︎︎Read article: Artist collaborates with biocomposites centre to develop sustainable materials
For most recent news
follow me on Instagram
Ar y gweill
Cymrodoriaeth Cymru’r Dyfodol 2023-25
︎ Dilynwch ddatblygiad fy mhrosiect Gweld trwy’r Gors
Darllenwch Gynllun Cyfiawnder Hinsawdd a’r Celfyddydau CCC a gweld fy ymateb creadigol ‘Aber Cyfiawnder’
Sioe ‘Gaeaf’ oriel TEN
7.12.24 - 31.1.2025
gyda fy maner ‘Dal rhwng y llanw’
a darnau eraill
Yn ddiweddar
Up Projects Constellations ° Assemblies 2024
Sgwrs: Pushing for culture-based climate action
Earth Rising
IMMA, Dulun
Darllenwch erthygl am fy arddangosfa
gan Dylan Huw, Medi 2023
Gwobr Artist Henry Moore Foundation
Derbynnydd Enwebedig Henry Moore Foundation Artist Award 2022
Cerfluniau Corsiog
Gyda Cyfoeth Naturiol Cymru â chefnogaeth
Cyngor Celfyddydau Cymru
︎︎︎Darllenwch erthygl: Artist yn cydweithio a’r ganolfan biogyfansoddion i ddatblygu deunyddiau
Ar gyfer y diweddaraf
dilynwch fi ar Instagram